I’ve been cooking on BBQs for the last 20 years in one form or another. Up until 7 years ago, most of my experience was on gas BBQs, usually the cheap type that you buy off the shelf one year and it rusts out before the following ‘BBQ Season’.

This all changed after watching programs such as ‘Man vs Food’ and salivating over all of the American BBQ that was often on the show! I had to get me some of that, but where? There weren’t exactly any BBQ restaurants around in the UK so the only option was to do it myself. I found myself on forums, on Facebook groups, on YouTube and with my head in many books but nothing beat the experience and education of just getting out there and getting on with it. Cue lots of mistakes along the way on a very steep learning curve but here I am today, a whole lot more competent than I was back then.

I don’t think its possible to master BBQ or cooking with fire. There is always more to learn and that’s why I love it. There are hundreds of ways to achieve the same end result – good tasting food that puts a smile on your face. Everyone will have their own methods, secret recipes, tips and tricks that work just great for them. I like to try and learn as many of these as possible, inhaling as much fire cooking knowledge as I can along this amazing journey

I’m very proud to represent some amazing brands that share my passion. I’m a Fire Squad brand ambassador for Kamado Joe and a Team Temperature brand ambassador for Thermapen. I also work closely with several other brands that share the same principles and together, we help to spread the word of BBQ as far and as wide as we can

I’ve decided its now time to share some of the tips, tricks & techniques I’ve learnt over the years, in the hope that it’ll ignite the same passion within you that I feel every day. This is why I’ve created The Smokin’ Elk BBQ School, a project that I’m absolutely buzzing about. This is a school where you’ll learn but almost as importantly, we’ll have fun. And we’ll cook up some damn tasty food along the way! Check out the ‘Classes’ section to check for available classes & dates. I look forward to welcoming you to The Smokin’ Elk BBQ School!